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Blessing for protection from G-d's angel

"May the angel who has delivered me from all evil bless the lads. Let them be called by my name and the names of my fathers Abraham and Isaac, and may they multiply greatly upon the Earth". An excerpt from Genesis 48. This is a prayer customarily sung the night before a baby's Brit as a form of protection from all evil, as part of the evening Shema prayer at bedtime & on Simchat Torah when all the children stand under a large tallit and are blessed by the community. 

Available in a selection of designs and also in English.


Available in the following sizes:

Large Square Slate Stone - 30x30cm

Weight 1.6kg

Black plastic stands included.


Medium Slate Stone - 20x20cm

Weight 850g

Black plastic stands included. Hanging option available on request.


Large Wood Block


Weight 600g



Blessing for Protection for Kids (English)

220.00 ₪מחיר

    מוצרים דומים

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